The ruins of an ancient Thracian fortress named Urdovisa (also Urdoviza) lie near the present-day town of Kiten in Bulgaria.Like his counterpart Siluria, Ordovis appears to have been named after an ancient Celtic tribe: the Ordovices, who lived in present-day Wales, and shared a border with the Silures.Learn to dodge these and get in damage when you can, especially with spells that do Lightning or Fire damage, and you'll be golden.Ĭrucible Knight Ordovis Lore, Notes & Other Trivia The main moves to watch out for are Flying Dive and Great Tail Spin from Ordovis and Flying Dash from the Knight with the Spear. Magic and Ranged Usersĭodge & Snipe: Magic and ranged users will often have an easier time with this fight, because the Crucible Knights are relatively slow. It's still a good idea to try to separate them, but parrying will help you get more damage in more quickly once you've got one on its own.

Parry Master: Parrying is particularly effective in this fight, since the invulnerability frames during the parry itself and the critical hit afterwards will both help keep you from getting overwhelmed by the double-team. Don't get greedy: if you get in more than a hit or two at a time, Ordovis will catch up to you and make you regret it. Try to draw it away from Ordovis, and keep pillars between you and Ordovis when you're attacking the spear knight. Spearfishing: Focus on killing the Crucible Knight with the spear first, since it has the best reach and is best at covering distance and disrupting your attacks on the other one.
See Crucible Knight for a full boss guideĬrucible Knight Ordovis Fight Strategy Melee Users.Drops 28,000, Ordovis's Greatsword, Crucible Axe Helm, Crucible Axe Armor, Crucible Gauntlets, Crucible Greaves.Is vulnerable to a critical hit after being stance broken or parried.Both Crucible Knights must be defeated to win this fightĬrucible Knight Ordovis Combat information.This fight features two Crucible Knights, one with Ordovis's Greatsword (labeled "Crucible Knight Ordovis") and one with Siluria's Tree (labeled "Crucible Knight").You can summon Spirit Ashes for this boss.

Closest Site of Grace: Auriza Hero's Grave.Ordovis, one of the two honored as foremost among the Crucible Knights.Įlden Ring Crucible Knight Ordovis Location Other Crucible Knights appear in the Crucible Knight, Crucible Knight and Misbegotten Warrior, Tanith's Knight, and Crucible Knight Siluria boss fights. This is an optional Boss as players do not need to defeat it in order to advance to the Legacy Dungeon. Crucible Knight Ordovis is found in Auriza Hero's Grave. Crucible Knight Ordovis is a quite heavy and large knight that wields a greatsword and a shield, while also having the ability to materialize wings and fly.

You should also consider participating in Events and visiting your Guild to access the Member Shop – both of which will allow you to farm additional Rare Catalysts like the Blessing of Orbis.Crucible Knight Ordovis is a Field Boss in Elden Ring. Availability of Blessing of Orbis in the Exchange Shop